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BounceClub Mainnet


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Claim a BounceClub and receive $BB airdrop if eligible

1) If your connected address qualifies for owning a BounceClub, click "Claim"; if not, click “Get Club” to join our daily raffle for a chance to win a BounceClub.
2) If your connected address participated in the BounceClub Testnet event and is eligible for $BB airdrop, you will automatically receive the displayed amount of $BB.


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Let the fun begin and customize your own club!

BounceClub Testnet

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Bryan Wolf

258,000.5 TVL



Bryan Wolf

258,000.5 TVL



Bryan Wolf

258,000.5 TVL


About BounceBit

Who we are & why we're here.

BounceBit is building a BTC restaking infrastructure that provides a foundational layer for different restaking products, secured by the regulated custody of Mainnet Digital and Ceffu. The BounceBit chain, designed as a showcase of a restaking product within the BounceBit ecosystem, is a PoS Layer 1 secured by validators staking both BTC and BounceBit’s native token — A dual-token system leveraging native Bitcoin’s security with full EVM compatibility. Critical ecosystem infrastructure like bridges and oracles are secured by restaked BTC. Through an innovative CeFi + DeFi framework, BounceBit empowers BTC holders to earn yield across multiple networks.

The Water Margin Event

Jan 30, 2024


March 8, 2024


May, 2024

About BounceBit Mainnet

In contrast to other public blockchains, BounceBit embraces Apple's ecosystem model for ecosystem development and technological advancement. Similar to Apple's approach, developers are required to apply and submit their applications to the App Store before distributing them to Apple devices.
In the case of BounceBit, developers must first update their smart contracts or applications on the App Store. Only smart contracts available on the App Store can be deployed on BounceBit. Configuration and deployment of apps from the App Store are exclusive to BounceClub owners. Once a Club is fully customized, its owners can invite others to join and participate within their Club.

BounceBit’s restaking infrastructure provides a foundational layer for different restaking products, secured by the regulated custody of Mainnet Digital and Ceffu. The BounceBit chain, designed as a showcase of a restaking product within the BounceBit ecosystem, is a PoS Layer 1 secured by validators staking both BTC and BounceBit’s native token – A dual-token system leveraging native Bitcoin’s security, liquidity and low volatility. Unlike existing Layer 2 solutions, the BounceBit network interacts with Bitcoin only on the asset level instead of the protocol level, taking a Layer 1 Proof of Stake approach. BTC Restaking provides shared security to infrastructure and DApps on BounceBit, e.g. bridges and oracles will be validated by restaked BTC.

The guiding philosophy of BounceBit is deeply motivated by Apple Inc.’s spirit of innovation and commitment to user-centric design. Apple’s success is attributed not only to the functionality of their products but also to their elegant design and user-friendly interface. Inspired by Apple’s business model, BounceBit aims to simplify smart contract deployment for everyone and minimize DApp redundancy by introducing BounceClub. BounceClub is an onchain Web3 universe that empowers everyone to customize, launch, and engage with decentralized applications. BounceClub owners are enabled to personalize their clubs and integrate decentralized applications by easily selecting from a variety of plugins featured on the BounceBit App Store. Users who do not own a BounceClub can browse existing BounceClubs and engage in various Web3 activities to earn yield. 

Integral to BounceClub is the BounceBit App Store, a library of diverse Web3 plugins. Developers are welcome to submit their applications, just like publishing apps on iOS's App Store. BounceClub owners are enabled to personalize their clubs and provide club members with Web3 activities by selecting from the diverse array of plugins featured on the BounceBit App Store. Users who do not own a BounceClub can browse existing BounceClubs and engage in various Web3 activities to earn yield.


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